At some point during every woman's "change of life" she will wish that there was a magic pill that she could take to make all of her menopause symptoms go away. Because we can't count on some miracle pill to magically appear we must research the alternative treatments that are available. Throughout the last three decades scientists have developed a variety of treatments that work to alleviate the stress a woman's body endures. In addition there are many herbal remedies that have shown promise in alleviating symptoms. A few of these treatments are described below.Menopause symptoms can be difficult to adjust to. Pain in the rear end can be associated with menopause symptoms. The available treatment regimine for menopause has evolved within the last century. Your grandmother or great grandmother probably went through menopause without treatment. The remedies that were not available 30 years ago have proven effective in easing the signs of menopause. Because women are all different no two symptoms will respond the same to the same treatment. Still, some treatments have been proven to work better than others. The following available treatments are definately worth exploring.The term menopause is definately not associated with words like party, happiness, or joy. The obvious or common signs of menopause often pose difficult challenges. Most treatments take exhorbitant amounts of time to actually show results and some never do. Women who've already gone through menopause may irritate you with their advice especially when you didn't ask for it. You pray for the day when you go deaf so you won't have to hear everyone's advice. Truthfully, it's expected since one of your symptoms is irritability. Without a doubt we are all thankfull for the treatment options available now.

When you discover one treatment doesn't work for you don't fret there is likely more. Hopefully, the following information will bring to light an option you haven't tried yet.All women deal with menopause differently. Some try to fight the effects medicinally. Some women choose herbs to fight the symptoms. Lifestyle changes are another way to treat the symptoms of menopause. There are even women who try to pretend that menopause is not happening at all and do nothing to try to treat their symptoms. With all of the different ways to treat menopause the good news is that women no longer merely have to suffer through the symptoms. There are a lot of different menopause treatments available to the women who want them. Unfortunately there is no single absolute menopause treatment because every woman has a different menopause experience. That said, there are a lot of popular treatments that people use today.It can be very frustrating to have to try lots of things to treat your menopause. You might have friends surrounding you that have found good treatment methods. It's possible that they are trying to push their treatments on to you. Don't forget that your friends just want to help. They just want to help you find a way to feel better than you do now. Unfortunately not every menopause treatment works for every woman. This is because every woman goes through menopause in her own way. What works for your friends might not work well for you (and the other way around). Talk to your doctor if you need help with your symptoms. Here are some things your doctor might recommend.

The right clothing and a regular exercise routine can help reduce the intensity of those personal heat waves. The layers will help you cope with the sudden onset of a hot flash when you are out of the house. Endorphin levels are increased by maintaining a regular exercise program and helps keep you sane during hot flashes. Women who are able to pin down their triggers are often able to avoid hot-flashes. Recognizing the different things that cause your hot flashes will help you avoid them. A variety of women have described their triggers as being caused by food.Vaginal estrogen is one remedy that has been proven to ease a few of the symptoms associated with menopause. Vaginal estrogen has been proven effective in decreasing the level of discomfort that is often experienced during intercourse. It will also assist with female hydration. If you suffer with urinary tract symptoms this treatment may beneficial to you. Vaginal estrogen comes in three insertable forms, tablet, ring and cream. Make sure you talk to your doctor before you begin this treatment!Try increasing your phytoestrogen intake. Phytoestrogens come directly from nutrious foods. Lignans and isoflavones are two forms of phytoestrogens found in a variety of food you eat and might not realize. Several of they fruits and vegetables we eat everyday contain phytoestrogen type lignan.

Isoflavones are found in soy beans, legumes and chickpeas. Most women will forgo hormone replacement therapy by using these foods rich in phytoestrogens. Although doctors will recommend foods rich in phytoestrogens for female health the will not commit one way or the other. Treatment results vary greatly depending on the person. There are reports of diminished symptoms with menopause treatmnt. Hormone therapy has also been reported to diminish these symptoms.Women need to get at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise each day. Believe it or not, getting regular exercise is a great way to treat menopause. Regular exercise, especially exercise that is aerobic can reduce a woman's risk of getting osteoperosis, cardiovascular disease and other types of issues that are associated with aging. Exercise can also help you sleep better each night and keeps you in good spirits throughout the day. It is quite hard to give in to the symptoms of menopause when you are in a good mood! Exercise is also an incredibly effective stress reliever.Strengthen your pelvic floor. Because much of the discomfort and physical symptoms a woman deals with emanate from her pelvic area, having a strong pelvic floor can go a long way to helping you assuage your symptoms. Remember the kegels you did when you got ready to give birth Your doctor will probably put you on a regimen of those. Women who deal with incontinence can also benefit from doing these exercises. The basic idea is to do what you can to strengthen the muscles in your pelvic region so that your "down there" can stay healthy and in good condition. Don't believe anyone who tells you sex is not a treatment for menopause. Men of the universe Jump for Joy! Fewer complaints of discomfort and pain are reported in women who admit having sexual relations more than twice per week. Prolonged abstinence can cause more problems than the original decreased libido itself, both are a challenge for menopausal women. Maintaining a healthy sexual activity level will decrease these symptoms. If you are more than uncomfortable during sexual activity you should consult a physcian for alternative treatment possibilities.

Many doctors today recommend hormone therapy to help women cope with the symptoms of menopause. Tell your doctor all of your symptoms and how bad they really are in order for him to recommend the right dosages of hormone treatment. The most effective therapy is estrogen therapy. Estrogen therapy can come in the form of oral medications similar to if not the same as birth control pills. Of course, the amount of estrogen that is prescribed will depend upon your individual situation. Every woman's reaction to a particular treatment will be different. Ask your doctor which treatment is right for you before you begin any of them.

It is recommended that menopausal women increase their intake of Vitamin E.

You can't go wrong by using Vitamin E. Some women report that an increased intake of Vitamin E helps reduce their hot flashes. Just as most other herbal remedies are said to be inconclusive as to their results, Vitamin E is no exception. If you do choose to increase your intake of vitamin E, it is better to do so through natural sources like the food you eat. This is because the vitamin E contained in food is easier for your system to absorb than the vitamin E that is contained in a dietary supplement pill.

Treating menopause can easily be done, believe it or not, through regular yoga practice. Studies have shown that women who regularly do yoga experience a decreased amount of hot flashes. They also show that the hot flashes that do occur are not as intense as those suffered by women who do not do yoga. Yoga is also a very effective menopause treatment because, in addition to helping the body physically, it can help keep a woman's spirits raised.You should already know this, but just in case: a balanced diet is an effective menopause treatment. Consuming a balanced and nutritious diet will help you keep your whole body healthy. Obviously, a woman who is going through menopause is going to have much different needs than a woman who has not gone through menopause yet. One's calcium intake should be increased during and after menopause. Health professionals agree that women going through menopause (or having gone through it) need at least twelve hundred milligrams of calcium every day to keep their bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis. Some studies will show you that Saw Palmetto would be a tremendous help.

Make sure you get enough rest. Getting a good amount of sleep each night is imperative to your health during menopause. Your ability to cope with decreased energy and mood swings will be greatly influenced by the amount of sleep you get at night. Cut the caffeine from your diet and exercise regularly to help increase your ability to sleep through the night. Doing the above recommendations will help you get to sleep earlier and stay asleep longer. Who would have thought something as simple as sleep could work as a treatment option for menopauseAnti-depressants can do wonders to prevent some signs of menopause. Altering the chemistry of the brain during menopause is risky business. Your physcian will likely start you on a low dose of these types of medications. This treatment has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. These types of available treatments may decrease your mood swings and irritation levels depending on what dosage you take. If you think this may be the right choice in treatments for you talk to your doctor about it. It is also important to remember that anti-depressants do not work overnight. They need time to show any real change in moods or behaviors.One particularly iffy as to effectiveness is black cohosh. Many women report that, taken in the early stages of menopause, black cohosh can help them drastically reduce the severity of their symptoms.

Studies have shown, however, that taken over a long period of time, black cohosh can have some very serious side effects like nausea, headaches, dizziness, problems with one's vision and even heart issues. We strongly advise you to consult a physcian before beginning treatment with black cohosh. Six months is the longest period of time black cohosh should be used in order to avoid side affects.Make regular visits to your doctor. Women going through menopause need to see their doctors more than once each year. At least four visits a year are necessary. This way your doctor will be well informed about your symptoms, the types of treatments you are experimenting with and whether those treatments are working. This can also help your doctor keep track of any medications you might be using to help treat your menopause symptoms. Your doctor will also be able to catch various conditions as they develop by doing regular pap smears and other screeners (like lipid level tests). This prove to be very beneficial if you start to show signs of aging issues or other kinds of disease.Obviously, if you are going through menopause you should not smoke. Heck, you should not smoke at any time in your life. The beginning of withdrawals won't be pleasant but in the end, quitting nicotine is a very effective menopause treatment. If you don't smoke you probably won't get as many hot flashes. If you smoke you will probably go through menopause earlier than your non-smoking friends. So stop smoking! Should you talk to your doctor about starting an exercise routine during menopause YES! Many of the treatments for menopause are natural and lifestyle changes vs. medical or prescription related. Other people find that they need help through drug and hormone therapy. Every woman is unique in her reactions to menopause and it's symptoms. The uniqueness of each person is what makes talking to your doctor so important. You are not alone! If you need help all you have to do is ask.

Menopause treatments have tripled over the last two or three decades. No two menopause experiences will be the same. This will no doubt make treatment more difficult. Just remember: you do not have to suffer through menopause if you do not want to! There are all sorts of ways that you can lessen the effects of your symptoms and make the change easier to take.

Be smart with the decisions you make about menopause treatment. Don't take everyone's advice and buy any herbal remedy without first speaking to your physcian. Most people don't realize that their doctor should be their first contact when considering menopause treatment. The most important thing to remember is you are not alone.

At some point in every woman's life she will experience this "change". You might try talking to other women who are going through the change at the same time that you are. The best medicine is often a dry shoulder to cry on.

Treating menopause is not universal. No single treatment that will help every menopausal woman exists. Lots of women choose to mix medicinal, herbal and lifestyle menopause treatments to help them cope with all of the symptoms of their "life changes." Others choose to only use one kind of treatment. Still others insist that menopause is not actually happening to them. You will figure out what works well for you. Just make sure that you run all of your menopause treatment choices past your doctor before trying them. Don't try anything without a health professional's approval. You want to help yourself not hurt yourself.Treating menopause is quite variable. Just because a treatment worked for the other women you know does not mean that it will work for you. This is why, especially if your symptoms are hard to handle, you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor will help you identify menopause treatments that you can do naturally (like lifestyle changes) or medicinally (like hormone replacement therapies). Eventually you will figure out the best treatment method for your symptoms and your situation.